Plant nursery

Current operation

The Trust raises about 5000 plants each year in its own nursery from locally collected seeds. The planting of native trees and flaxes to provide sheltered breeding sites for hoiho is one of the Trust’s most successful strategies. The priority for plant production is plants for penguins and local community conservation projects. Planting also supports biodiversity, reducing sediment run off and acts as a buffer for climate change.

Community involvement

The nursery is a 100% community venture. Its sustainability depends on the generosity of benefactors and hundreds of volunteers who help to nurture the plants. The Nursery Supervisor is assisted by “Wednesday volunteers” who contribute their own garden skills and knowledge of native plants.

Nursery funding

The low annual rental of a ‘penny’ for the decommissioned Dunedin City Council sewerage works is helpful for the viability of the nursery. The nursery has traditionally run on a break-even basis, relying on donations from organisations and individuals. Many years ago when the Trust was unable to secure sufficient sponsorships or grants to offset the operating costs, plant production was significantly increased to 15,000 pa to enable the sale of plant stock to assist. These sales assisted the nursery to remain a viable unit and a vital part of the Trust’s core operations until the devastating flood of 2015. Since then plant production has been reduced to about 5000pa.

Contact the nursery

Phone the Trust office on 03 4790011 for the relevant phone number


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